Or Maybe Instead Run Around The Lake

Along the lines of my previous post “climb along the fence mom” was another day and another one of my boys calling out “let’s run around the lake mom!”  We were at a rather small man made lake and we were with my mother in law so I had no actual excuse.  I could easily leave the rest of the boys and go for a quick run around the lake.  So I said “sure” and off we went.  What I did not realize was that it was actually a fairly long way around the lake and I also did not realize that my son intended to literally run as fast as he could all the way around.  I first set off in a light jog and then watched him dart straight out of site so picked up the pace.  He ran so fast and after a short while I found myself walking and panting feeling rather old and out of shape.  Running barefoot in the sand is actually much harder than it looks – that will be my excuse.  It got to where I understood that he really was not going to stop and that I was better to head back the direction we came because he was almost back to our starting point which means I had been lapped by my six year old.

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I took these pictures and you can see after he made it back to Grandma and the other boys he ran an extra bit to meet me walking back.  He did stop once on the lap around the lake but it was short.  Next time I will know better what he means.

~ by Nicole on August 7, 2012.

7 Responses to “Or Maybe Instead Run Around The Lake”

  1. Run Nicole! 😉 I have the feeling we will be getting lapped lots in the years to come.

  2. I always say… who needs to go to the gym when you have boys at home! (Of course, this from the hypocritical woman who now sees a PT twice a week…)

  3. Glad to find your blog. I have four boys myself, older than yours, so your posts bring back lots of memories! Thanks for writing!

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